Worth knowing about your stay

Bedding included in the price?

  • At Villa Gertrud, bed linen and towels are always included in the price.

In what time can I check in and out?

  • You can check in from 14:00 to 17:00. You must be checked out by 10:00. If that does not suit you, we’ll find a solution.

Which payment methods do you accept?

  • We accept MobilePay and cash. There is an ATM just around the corner.

Is it possible to go on the internet (WIFI)?

  • I have WIFI in the house, free of charge.

Is it possible to get an extra bed?

  • It is possible to get extra beds in many of the rooms for 100 DKK, -.
    Please write a note at the time of booking or give me a refund at check in.

Is the breakfast included in the price?

  • My healthy breakfast costs 65 DKK per day. person

What is for breakfast?

  • My breakfast consists of simple, tasty and healthy ingredients: bread with cheese, marmalade and a little meat pie. I also have oatmeal, buttermilk and milk. Of course you can enjoy a cold glass of juice and a good cup of coffee and / or tea.

Is there a TV in the room?

  • There is a TV in every room.

What does the kitchen contain?

  • In the common kitchen area we offer self-service. Here you will find a standard range of pots, pans and service as well as salt and pepper and coffee- and tea making basics. There is also a fridge.